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Original Study Guides (redirected from Star's Study Guides)

Page history last edited by Star Fisher 7 years, 6 months ago

Star: I've documented a guide based on the objectives in the ASTD Learning System.  I'm posting them in Word format because I intend these to be editable for your personal study needs.


If you find them useful, I would request that you make a donation of $50 or so to a forward-focused non-profit charity, such as one that works with kids, medical research, or is about learning and development - like your local ASTD chapter or a scholarship program.  I would appreciate feeling this contribution of my time and effort helps others in more than one way.  Thank you.


Since then, these have been revised, primarily by Linda Warren and can be accessed in the CPLP 2014-15 folder.



Module 1 Study Guide - plumped out.doc 

Module 2 study guide- plumped out.doc 

Module 3 Study Guide-plumped out-2010.docx 

Module 4 Study Guide-plumped out-2010.docx  

Module 5 Plumped Out-2011 jef.doc  

CPLP SIG - 6 and 8 plumped 2010.doc


Module 9 plumped out.doc

Social Lrng - Plumped Out 2010.doc



CPLP Modules


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