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Study Group News

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Saved by Star Fisher
on October 6, 2015 at 11:28:05 am

Orientation/Interest Meeting

The primary goal of the CPLP Study Group is to prepare interested parties to pass the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance Exam.  Taking the exam is not a requirement for participation, and we encourage anyone interested in expanding their own professional development in the field of workplace learning and performance to think about participating. Participants may join at any time if there is room.  



We will meet once a month- participants should read the material prior to class as there are activities to enhance the learning.  Mark your calendar - we don't always send out reminders. The orientation meeting is a shorter session. Please be prepared to arrive on time so we can get started right away; you will be surprised at how quickly 3 hours can fly by!


2014-15 Schedule 




Aug. 26

Orientation Meeting (6:30 to 7:30 pm)

La Madeleine's, 5493 Brodie Ln

Sept. 19

3 - Training Delivery (9 am to noon)


Oct. 17

2 - Instructional Design (9 am to noon) 


Nov. 21

1 - Performance Improvement (9 am to noon)


December  Self-study: 4- Learning Technologies  n/a 

Jan. 16

5 - Evaluating Learning Impact (9 am to noon)


Feb. 20

7 - Coaching (9 am to noon)

8 - Integrated Talent Management


Mar. 19

6 - Managing Learning Programs (9 am to noon)

9 - Knowledge Management


Apr. 16

10 - Change Management (9 am to noon)



Current version of study guides can be downloaded from the CPLP 2014-15 folder. 


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