Module 3 - Training Delivery

For a brief description of the module and a table of contents, see:


Training Delivery Study Guide


Participation opportunity:  Record some of your favorite Openers, Energizers, Icebreakers, or Closers to this page.

Openers, Icebreakers, and Energizers  


Module 3 - exam tips.doc 


Article on ways to enhance learning. Essentially multiple sensory associations with the learning and multiple "retouching" the topic and related topics to build stronger schemas.



Module 1 Performance Improvement
Module 2 Instructional Design
Module 3 Training Delivery
Module 4 Learning Technologies
Module 5 Evaluating Learning Impact
Module 6 Managing Learning Programs
Module 7 Integrated Talent Management
Module 8
Module 9 Knowledge Management
Module 10 Change Management